Does CasaOne provide assembly services?

CasaOne does not currently provide assembly services but we encourage you to consider using a third-party service, such as Handy, to help assemble your items. 


What is Handy?

Handy is a 3rd party service that provides access to handyman services, such as assembly. 

Please note- CasaOne is not affiliated with Handy and CasaOne is not providing the assembly service directly. Payment for the service, rescheduling appointments, or any issues arising from your assembly will need to be handled directly with Handy.


How do I get started with Handy?

To get started, just download the Handy app and follow the prompts to book your assembly service. Click here for more details. 


I have an issue with my Handy assembly service. What do I do?

If you have any issues, click here to find answers to common issues along with a contact form to get your issue resolved through Handy.