If your package is being shipped through either FedEx or UPS, you can create an account to directly manage your package.
What are the benefits of signing up with FedEx Delivery Manager or UPS My Choice?
Once a package has been shipped, CasaOne no longer has the ability to make adjustments to the arrival date or special instructions. By signing up for a delivery manager service with the carrier, you'll have access to the following features and more:
- Receive tracking updates
- Add special instructions
- Re-route your package to another location
- Request the carrier to hold your package and ship it up to two weeks later
- Request to pick up your package at a local store
How do I create an account with my package carrier?
For FedEx, follow this link to sign up: https://www.fedex.com/en-us/delivery-manager.html
For UPS, follow this link to sign up:https://www.ups.com/us/en/services/tracking/mychoice.page