Can I extend my subscription?
Yes, you may request to extend your subscription at any point during your subscription. Extensions are subject to credit approval and you will need to sign an updated lease once approved.
Can I extend only part of my order?
Only if the remaining items in your lease are purchased.
How do I extend my subscription?
You may contact us at at any time to extend your subscription.
What happens if I fail to contact CasaOne before the end of my subscription?
If you have not responded to the automated email or reached out to contact CasaOne by your subscription end date, your subscription will be automatically renewed for an additional month.
Can I extend my subscription on a prorated basis?
We cannot do prorated extensions. Extensions will be on a monthly basis.
If I’ve extended my subscription, can I decide to terminate it before the new subscription end date?
Unless your subscription was automatically renewed, you’ll need to sign a new lease upon agreeing to an extension. You will be subject to fulfil the lease agreement considering the new subscription end date.